
Vacancies at Sysco LABS

Contract Type: 

Sysco LABS (Formerly CAKE LABS) is seeking the candidate for Software Engineering / Quality Engineering / UI/UX Engineering Vacancies.

Software Engineer


Consisting of highly qualified, innovation-driven team of software engineers, Sysco LABS encompasses of software engineers organized into multidisciplinary teams of approximately eight team members who follow an integrated, full-stack approach to development. As a result, software engineers of Sysco LABS not only experience a greater feeling of ownership toward the work they do but are also sufficiently multi-talented to be able to switch between different types of work when the need arises.


Our Software Engineer salary scale is industry leading.


Quality Engineer


Sysco LABS’s quality engineering team engages in all stages of the development process. Just like our products, the quality process is under continuous improvement. Sysco LABS’s QE teams involved in the development process begins at its inception. Despite the size and complexity of the CAKE product suite, 70-90% of the testing is automated. This eliminates much of the day-to-day drudgery of the traditional QE engineer.

Find out more about QE engineering vacancies at Sysco LABS.


UI/UX Engineer


Sysco LABS’s UI/UX team works closely with a dedicated design team from the US in designing and developing the professional, polished user interfaces that power CAKE’s web and mobile applications using a structured, iterative approach to UI/UX design. Several rounds of feedback and continuous improvement follow until the designs are finalized.

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