
Top 5 tips for finding a job you will love

Job searching is a strenuous task for many and finding a job that you love is a challenge indeed. But few people achieve their dream job in life. Taking up a job you love is a multi- step process. It usually takes a fair amount of trial and error to learn what kind of job you want to do in life and to discover the work responsibilities that inspire you.


1. Start with a job you love.

The best way to find a job you love is to do what you love. Your interests in life should be reflected through your work. Finding a career you like might take some time and it’ll involve some serious thinking to plan what job you need to do in life. Before starting the job search, spend time looking for possible career paths that would match with your interests. If you’re not certain about what you want to do, take a simple career quiz to generate some ideas. Getting career coaching or counseling will also help you to get on the right track. Also, the job search engines can be used to search for jobs that are a possible match for your skills, experience, and interests. Simply figuring out what you love to do will lead you to the right job for you.


2. Be thorough with job descriptions and organization/ company.

When you are interested in a certain position, do a little research about the company. When you are interested in a certain position and if you want to perform well, the best way is to do a bit of a prior research about the working environment. Social networking sites and company media profiles will provide you a basic idea of the employer. If you can get an internship with a company you're interested in, that is also a better way to test your interests in a particular job role.


3. Make sure the job is the right pick for you.

To make sure whether you have made the correct career choice, evaluate your career interests. Consider job satisfaction, motivation, flexibility of work, life balance and most importantly the opportunities the job would offer for you to improve yourself. All the jobs might not work out perfectly even if you do all the right things. But you’ll have a better chance of succeeding if you are careful of making the right career choice which would match with your personality.


4. Identify your skills. 

The first step to finding a job you’ll love is figuring out your skills. The skills will decide what your ultimate dream job is. This doesn’t necessarily imply that you have to go out looking for that exact job. You should think about small aspects of that dream job that make it so appealing to you. Question yourself with, what specific things do I want to be doing in my job? What skills do I require to achieve my dream job?


5. Don’t let money to decide your job.

It’s true that your career should lead to financial security. But you should contemplate on the fact if financial security is the only defining motivator for you to choose a job. If you depend too much on financial aspects of a job, it’s unlikely you’ll end up doing what you love. Of course, money can’t be ignored, but sometimes it can keep you away from the things that you truly want to do in life.